Research and Innovation is among the Ministry’s top priorities. By Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 89,557, dated June 10, 2020, the Ministry of Defence has the full competence, obligation or responsibility on behalf of the Republic of Cyprus to implement military research and technology policy and strategy and to participate in related regulatory and other Research and Innovation bodies, at European and international level.

In 2019 the MoD - Research and Innovation department was established with a mission to develop future Defence Capabilities in the fields of Defence and security, through research and innovation actions and programmes .

To win this rapidly changing world especially in the context of security the Ministry envisions creating a culture of research and innovation focusing to inspire this culture among its staff, to work collaboratively with Research and Innovation stakeholders and to develop specific know-how and entrepreneurship in Defence and security Cyprus. Moreover, we focus on discovering new funding opportunities and join the ultimate networking community of  R&I EU and international funding and partnerships.


In line with this vision, we developed and began to execute a specific strategic planning:

a. Embracing an enduring culture of Research and innovation.

b. Adoption of new policy and procedures to fully support the "Innovation Cycle".

c. Development of research and innovation products and technologies in Defence and security.

d. Participation in international partnerships and collaborate on the joint development of defence products and technologies through co-financing or full financing capabilities.


The main directions concern:

a. Active participation in public events of interest.

b. Staff training in problem solving, while creating a risk tolerant innovation culture which will encourage collaborative innovation actions.

c. Participation in international research projects such as the EU Horizon Framework Programme.

d. Publication of calls for proposals to address specific categories of Defence capabilities.  In this frameworkMinistry of Defence published the call  "ATHINA 2’’. Two projects have been selected which will be co-financed by the Ministry of Defence and the participating bodies. The maximum MoD financing contribution per Project, will amount four hundred and fifty thousand Euros (€ 450,000). The percentage of co-financing for the Ministry of Defence could reach up to eighty five percent (85%) of the total budget per project. The calls are based on a maximum 3-year working programme (36 months). Similar actions-calls are planned in the near future.

e. Supporting the participation of Cypriot companies in the European Industrial Development Program (EDIDP). This program (EDIDP) is implemented by the European Commission through annual calls for proposals. In the year 2019 , 5 proposals with Cypriot participation have been selected to receive funding from EDIDP. The Ministry of Defence will finance these 5 programmes with an amount of € 383,640.

f. Support for the participation of Cypriot Operations in the European Defence Fund (EDF). The European defence fund (EDF) will provide a key contribution to Europe’s strategic autonomy, protecting and defending its citizens. Also, will promote defence cooperation among companies and between EU countries to foster innovation and develop state-of-the-art defence technology and products. It will take over from 2021 to 2027 (upcoming Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF)) with a proposed adjusted budget of €8 billion. The EDF will be legally based on a Regulation largely inherited from the EDIDP. The Ministry of Defence is ready for collaboration and participation in eligible proposals that will be submitted and should bealigned with our needs and interests.


For additional information it is possible to contact +357 22807754-5 and the e-mail address